During the covid-19 pandemic, we must prioritize safety while seeking pleasure. I now ask you to get covid tested one week prior to our meeting, and send me your covid test results. 

I am taking the utmost precautions by social distancing, wearing my mask when in public, frequent hand washing, and regular covid testing prior to meetings to maintain the safety of my loved ones and my greater community. I ask you to do the same. Please limit visiting crowded public places 3-4 days prior to our meeting. During our dates, I prefer outdoor dates or dates at smaller venues such as patio dining, drive-in movies, hiking, shopping at smaller boutiques, non-crowded museums, etc.

For Chicago covid testing, I recommend Walgreens 2 hour rapid test, Chicago Curative Inc, and Innovative Care.

Take care, stay safe, and see you in the kitchen soon.

Kisses, Josie Qu